The Laika’s Terrifying Velocity
Like all phenomenal inventions, the Laika takes inspiration from its forerunners, the Yasen and Yasen-M classes. In fact, those familiar with Russian submarines would be able to identify the various components that have been taken from the older submarines and installed into the new ones. The best of the Yasen and Yasen-M classes’ speed-related parts would be transferred into the Laika and upgraded, resulting in a submerged top speed of 32 mph and a 23 mph top surface speed. Some speculate that the Laika will be capable of a 40 mph maximum speed while submerged.
Armed To The Teeth
The Laika is going to be fast, but it will also be deadly. The Russian Navy made sure that the plans for 8 BLS missile silos went forward. Which, when paired with the anti-ship Onix and KALIBR cruise missiles, would result in a far-reaching range of precise destruction. Then there are the ten torpedo tubes that potential attackers would need a very good reason for squaring off against. As monstrous as this armament sounds, the United States Navy has a far more terrifying concern to deal with.