What It Takes To Keep A Giant Moving
The amount of gasoline that the SSN(X) would need to continue whizzing about the ocean would be staggering. The next generation of American submarines would be fueled by a combination of nuclear power and diesel-electric. The nuclear-powered engines would be crazily expensive, to begin with, and most submarines will only have their nuclear fuel replaced once as it is too expensive to consistently maintain. So, there are still many details that need to be ironed out.

What It Takes To Keep A Giant Moving
More Research Is Needed
The SSN(X) is currently in the design stage, and it will be many years before it starts taking physical shape. While it might seem like a pipedream to many, the SSN(X) program is being given serious consideration by the United States Navy with the budget proposal focusing on estimated production base capacity, project schedules, and operating principles. The SSN(X) needs to rule at least its own seas, and that means that it must be a serious global competitor.

More Research Is Needed