The Truth Behind Stevie Wonder’s Blindness

Published on 06/03/2021

Further Questioning

In an interview with Oprah that took place in 2004, Wonder would once again be questioned about his relationship with blindness. Oprah wondered how Wonder missed sight if he had never been able to do much of it in the first place. Wonder took his time responding to this question. He said that he longed for the connections that seeing brings. No matter how positively and bravely someone overcomes the severities of their disabilities, there are some things that a person wishes they could experience.

Further Questioning

Further Questioning


He Wished

Wonder proceeded by saying to Oprah that he could not deny missing certain things. He could not drive his family around, and there were many things that ordinary fathers and husbands took for granted that to Wonder were dreams. But Wonder had accepted his situation, saying that there was nothing to be done. All that he could do was deal with the challenges on a daily basis. Oprah paused at this and then asked her next question, which was on how Wonder understood sight as a concept.

He Wished

He Wished