Getting To Grips With Southern Hospitality – The True Meaning Of Southern Phrases

Published on 05/07/2021

Being Ugly

This phrase is one that is used by many cultures across the world, and it refers to someone’s poor manners or mean behavior, rather than their physical appearance. To “be ugly” is to speak to or treat someone cruelly or uncouthly. For example, a boy teasing his sister might be reprimanded by his mother, who will say, “John, stop being ugly to your sister!” While we do not think that there is an antonym to this phrase, and people cannot “be pretty”, “ugly” behavior is rarely tolerated in modest Southern homes.

Being Ugly

Being Ugly


Sweating More Than A Sinner In Church

There is no mistaking the Southern states’ heat for anything but unforgiving. You will find yourself sweating more often than not, and sunscreen is essential to avoid nasty sunburns. Southerners then came up with a phrase to adequately capture the discomfort that one feels when the sun is blazing, “Sweating more than a sinner in church!” The Southern regions are incredibly religious, and you can be sure that much of their language and culture revolves around their dedication to the Christian faith and its churches.

Sweating More Than A Sinner In Church

Sweating More Than A Sinner In Church