Getting To Grips With Southern Hospitality – The True Meaning Of Southern Phrases

Published on 05/07/2021

The South of the United States enjoys an incredibly rich cultural diversity that is difficult to find in other parts of the massive country. American football is a staple, home-cooked meals are essential, and the endearing slang might warrant its own dictionary. Many Americans feel like they are in an entirely different nation when they head down from the north for a holiday, and even they will struggle to understand some of their distant neighbors’ lingo. We will then be covering the local linguistic flavors of states like Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi, so that you can keep up with the locals next time that you visit.

Aren’t You Precious

Arent You Precious

Arent You Precious



You might have heard many Southerners use the word “reckon” quite frequently and wonder what it means, exactly. This is not exactly a complex term, it simply replaces many other words that have similar meanings, such as believe, suppose, think, imagine. For example, “Do you reckon Darcy will be coming for dinner?” translates to “Do you think that Darcy will be coming for dinner?” We like that Southerners simplified the many ways that people wonder.

