Family is Frightened by Strange Sounds in Their New Home

Published on 11/30/2020

Fear and Danger

As with any haunted building, there is a natural element of fear and danger to consider. The family wondered about whether they were in trouble at all, and everyone was more on edge from that point forward.

Fear And Danger

Fear And Danger

Everybody knew that the pesticide should have resolved the problem, especially if the issue had something to do with creatures living in the foundation of the house. This made it more likely that there were paranormal forces at play here.


Turning To The Internet

Next, they turned to Google to see if others had experienced similar problems. This was a desperate attempt to find out that they were not alone in wondering about the weird noises they were hearing regularly.

Turning To The Internet

Turning To The Internet

The search led them to online forums where many others discussed strange noises in their houses, some of which could be resolved with DIY hacks, and others that needed a little more spiritual intervention.