Family is Frightened by Strange Sounds in Their New Home

Published on 11/30/2020

Rats or Mice

Was it possible that vermin were living in the roof or the walls? It made sense that they would look for a warm place to nest. The problem was that usually these make a pretty common sound, which wasn’t the case here.

Rats Or Mice

Rats Or Mice

The sheer consistency of the noise also indicated that it would have to be an army of rodents. Although they were skeptical, the family decided that it would be worth checking out, especially as they would need to move if it was the case.


Giving The Specialists a Call

Not long after, exterminators were called in to have a look. They explored all over the house, keeping an eye on some of the possible spots that could be where the sound was originating from.

Giving The Specialists A Call

Giving The Specialists A Call

Even though they couldn’t be sure that it was vermin, the company sprayed the key areas as a precaution. Even though the family couldn’t have total peace of mind, if it was the case, the noise would hopefully be stopping soon.