Family is Frightened by Strange Sounds in Their New Home

Published on 11/30/2020

No Gain Without Pain

Although most of the hive had survived unscathed from the brick extraction, everyone made a sad discovery too. A group of bees had been killed by the spray used by the exterminators.

No Gain Without Pain

No Gain Without Pain

Noting that beeswax had protected a majority of the hive, some of the bees had not been so lucky. David was thrilled that the majority had survived the assault.


Death of the Queen

Although only a handful of bees didn’t survive the spray, unfortunately, the queen bee met her demise in the process. Tasked with keeping the hive organized, the hive would now be unable to survive without its commander in chief.

Death Of The Queen

Death Of The Queen

While this was a setback, David didn’t want to give up on the entire process. He knew that if they were relocated, they had a better chance of surviving and thriving in an environment where they could serve a new leader.