These 20+ Photos Will Make You See The World Differently

Published on 12/23/2020

The 8th Wonder Of The World Travelling The Globe

When you board an aircraft, you only need a single seat as it is big enough to accommodate you. However, when this man measuring 7 foot 4 inches stepped on the plane, he had to get control of two seats, and it sure doesn’t come as a surprise. There was also an HBO documentary detailing Andre’s life, the Giant, and with this picture at the forefront, there were no questions asked when the truth came out that he couldn’t fit in the aircraft’s bathrooms.

The 8th Wonder Of The World Travelling The Globe

The 8th Wonder Of The World Travelling The Globe


The Times Have Changed

Well, this picture may be old, as the glass frames the officers are wearing indicates it was long ago. But, this picture was taken from a 1995 murder trial of Christopher Charles Lightsey. Apparently, Lightsey had to be duct-taped because he wouldn’t stop disturbing the court proceedings. It was a regular thing back in the days for criminals who wanted to be rude in court, and nothing was done about it, yet, if it were tried today, human rights groups would have a field day with this.

The Times Have Changed

The Times Have Changed