Looking at this picture not too deep, you may think it is the handy work of a seamstress leaving her needle on a wool sweater. However, you could have guessed right as this is exactly what it looks like, but unfortunately, it is completely different and much more interesting. It is actually a space shuttle in the process of leaving this blessed earth. NASA took this photo from another angle than it is usually taken. It was snapped from a satellite.
Brick Laying
Back in the days, the bricklaying process would take days to be completed and with the use of multiple men to get the job done the right way. However, the phrase “work smarter, not harder” has been put into play with this amazing machine we saw in the Netherlands. They have taken things a bit further to get the job done without the traditional method being used. However, there is one little thing about it; the whole magic we expected to see during its operation is not quite like we expected. But it’s a new development worth cherishing