XTC – Science Friction (1977)
You might remember XTC being one of the forerunners of the new wave subgenre which emerged from obscurity to become a staple of British music during the 1970s. It was initially pressed as a 12”, before being shrunken into a 7” version. The tinier version is the real meal ticket, however, easily fetching about $2000. As you can imagine from the exorbitant price, this record is extremely rare, with just 50 copies ever having been made.

XTC Science Friction
David Bowie – The Prettiest Start (1973)
The man that needs no introduction, and the album with the cover that is only too recognizable. David Bowie wrote plenty of monster hits, but The Prettiest Star is widely regarded as his best track. The song was, of course, written for someone that Bowie was incredibly fond of, namely his ex-wife Angela Barnett. In an adorably romantic gesture, Bowie called Barnett and performed the song for her. While Mark Bolan provided the guitar work for this album, the two would soon become bitter rivals. One could part ways with this record for $2,000.

David Bowie The Prettiest Start