Olivia Newton-John and Electric Light Orchestra (ELO), Xanadu (1980)
Xanadu (as its name suggests) happens to be the among the most abysmally received films ever released. As for its album, which Olivia Newton-John recorded alongside Electric Light Orchestra, it also suffered devastation when Olivia decided that she disliked her appearance on the cover. As you can imagine, production was stopped, and less than 30 copies slipped under the star’s radar. Ironically, a single one of these record covers that survived the purge with Olivia on it is now worth $9,100!

Olivia Newton John And Electric Light Orchestra
Hank Mobley – Blue Notes 1568 (1957)
Despite being lesser known than his more charismatic counterparts like John Coltrane and Miles Davis, Hank Mobley is a legend among jazz aficionados. Speaking of legends, one states that the record company handling the Blue Note record’s printing ran short of labels! Whether you have the version with the address “47 West 63rd New York 23” or “47 West 63rd NYC” does not really matter, however, seeing as you can net a handsome $11,162 for either!

Hank Mobley