Real American Photos That Are Finally Revealed

Published on 08/24/2021

Wound With His Family – 1899

Here we see Chief Little Wound of the Oglala Lakota tribe with his family. The Oglala was one of the seven subtribes of the Lakota people and also made up the Seven Council Fires. The picture we see here, taken in mid-1899, does feature not only Chief Little Wound but also his family – the one set of people he loved and cherished the most. Chief Little Wound played a critical role as a great warrior in various tribal wars that would initially impact lots of Native Americans for good.

Wound With His Family

Wound With His Family


Chief Red Bird – 1927

Chief Red Bird was once a Chief of the Cheyenne people – a large group of indigenous people comprising of two separate tribes. The native tongue is the Algonquian language which they use up to this very day and is considered their official language. Chief Red Bird was the leader of a tribe that dwelled heavily on rituals and spiritual ceremonies. Another interesting fact about this tribe is that they never had a permanent dwelling place, so they had to be moving from one location to the next constantly.

Chief Red Bird

Chief Red Bird