Popular Documented Figures That May Be Completely Made Up

Published on 06/25/2021

King Arthur

King Arthur is a revered figure for men and women everywhere, largely thanks to some of the Hollywood films that have made him a historical-cultural figure. The trouble is, that most of the facts presented in these films aren’t historically validated. Some historians suggest that he is a character based on Roman commander Lucius Artorius Castus, while others offer different references for who might have inspired the creation of what is actually just a fictional King.

King Arthur

King Arthur


William Shakespeare

Known as the greatest playwright of all time, William Shakespeare has a literary legacy that is unparalleled in history. At the same time, there are some who suggest he was someone else entirely, writing under a pen name. One theory goes as far as to suggest his work was ghostwritten by a school teacher, published for the first time after his death. Because it inspired millions of writers for generations to come, are we really that bothered if this was the case?

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare