China – Pale Skin
It may sound paradoxical to many individuals in the Western world who yearn for a golden tan, but other countries throughout the world believe that having pale skin is a symbol of beauty —China, for instance — and thus encourages it.

China Pale Skin
Most of those beauty products available in this nation contain some form of bleaching chemical in order to achieve this whiter skin tone. Chinese individuals will also make an effort to avoid the sun or utilize face masks in order to acquire the skin tone they prefer.
Africa – High Forehead
Depending on whose culture you originate from, certain areas of the body are considered to be attractive in different ways. For example, if you are a member of the African Fula tribe, you may discover that you desire a prominent forehead.

Africa High Forehead
Many of these indigenous women may go so far as to shave off sections of their hair in order to elevate their foreheads even farther than this. Consider how far we are willing to go in order to obtain our ideal of beauty when you stop and think about it.