60 Surprising Things People Find Attractive In Various Countries

Published on 01/20/2022

South Korea – Puffy Under Eyes

Occasionally, the explanation for a physical characteristic’s attractiveness has something to do with the society in which it exists. In South Korea, for example, bags under the eyes are not usually indicative of fatigue. In fact, this characteristic is frequently seen as a sign of freshness by the general population.

South Korea Puffy Under Eyes

South Korea Puffy Under Eyes

That may be why this is one of those physical attributes that people find very attractive. And just like everything else in South Korea, that is why there are cosmetic surgeries that can help women achieve this look.


Ethiopia – Big Belly

In terms to the females of the species, we’ve talked a lot about how attractive they are. When it comes to males, however, some physical characteristics that are unique to each individual country are also thought beautiful.

Ethiopia Big Belly

Ethiopia Big Belly

Large bellies are considered particularly beautiful in Ethiopia, and as a result, males there will eat more in order to obtain this appearance. Also in place to guarantee these guys acquire their desired physique are additional customs.