Africa – Gum Tattoo
Tattoos are considered to be a sign of beauty, as well as of social position and power, by many civilizations across the world. Typically, these tattoos are placed in prominent regions that can be seen at all times, however in Senegal, the ladies have a special spot where they choose to have their tattoos done.

Africa Gum Tattoo
Senegalese women undergo gum tattooing because they believe it gives their smiles a distinctive and lovely appearance. I all, everyone has their own preferences, right?
China – Lotus Feet
When people think of physically beautiful characteristics, the size of one’s feet is not often something that comes to mind. That is, unless you reside in rural China, where the practice of footbinding is still considered a necessary part of one’s beauty regimen.

China Lotus Feet
This is a difficult and time-consuming process that takes a long time. Footbinding is a method of reducing a woman’s feet to a tiny size. As a result, they resemble lotus feet.