The Circle Of Light
While “The Last Supper” was being created, halos were often added to the heads of Jesus Christ and his disciples. This is the shining circle that shows that a figure is meant to be divine and holy. But while most of the disciples would be upgraded with a halo, Judas would not get one, due to his betrayal of Christ. Da Vinci made “The Last Supper” during an incredibly religious period, so you can imagine the surprise of his contemporaries when he unveiled a Christian painting with no halos!

The Circle Of Light
The True Mystery Revealed
If you had to compare da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” to other artists’ works showing the same scene, the lack of halos in da Vinci’s version becomes very obvious. According to Taddei, this was a deliberate omission. Da Vinci wished to show the Christians as “common people”. This is meant to be a grounded scene, with no mystical elements. The disciples and even Jesus himself were then ordinary, relatable people, according to da Vinci. Quite a powerful statement, wouldn’t you say?

The True Mystery Revealed