The Professional Opinion
Mario Taddei is one expert that rejected the theories put forward by Dan Brown in “The Da Vinci Code”. He claims that the painting’s positioning of characters does not remove it from the greater religious context and that he wasn’t trying to shake things up in Christianity. Certainly, da Vinci was not alone in painting scenes that illustrated events described in The New Testament. So, where do you stand? Do you think that Dan Brown and company have a point?

The Professional Opinion
Don’t Break The Rules
“Before Leonardo da Vinci, there were hundreds of ‘Last Suppers,’ and when he painted The Last Supper he had to follow some rules,” Mario Taddei shared with The Smithsonian. He continued by saying, “These rules want to have the people in that position and with that smile so that people could recognize the apostles one by one.” Was da Vinci a stickler for the rules, or a daring rebel that wanted to expose some hidden truth?

Dont Break The Rules