The New Testament, Illustrated
Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece, “The Last Supper”, depicts a scene that was described in the gospel of John. This is a section of The Bible in the overarching saga called The New Testament. Not long after Jesus and his entourage arrived in Jerusalem, they all enjoyed a significant meal together. Throughout this dramatic event, various crucial details surfaced that greatly shaped Christianity’s rituals and understanding in general. What could be so significant about something as ordinary as a dinner?

The New Testament Illustrated
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It was at this gathering that Jesus accurately prophesized that one of his disciples would hand him over to the Romans. It was this dramatic declaration that Leonardo decided to capture in “The Last Supper”. The disciples displayed fear and upset upon hearing Jesus’ dire proclamation. Given that they were are all supposedly unshakably devoted to Jesus, they could not bear the thought that one of them would betray their master and the son of God.

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