You Can Learn A Lot About Yourself From These Optical Illusions

Published on 06/14/2021

Young Woman or Old Man

This is one of the most iconic optical illusions in history, often used in school classrooms to encourage creativity from young students. If you see an old man first in this picture, it could suggest that you are someone who is loyal and trustworthy. If the woman showed herself to you first, it could suggest an impulsive streak, which should be managed, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Either way, this picture is worth sharing to friends and family members in case they haven’t seen it before.

Young Woman Or Old Man

Young Woman Or Old Man


Double Thumbs or Explosive Energy?

Talk about a head-scratcher! Created by artist Noma Bar, this illusion uses negative space to create ambiguous images. If you see the double thumbs, it may suggest that you are someone who may feel unsettled by feelings of unease and discomfort quite regularly. If you spotted the explosion right off the bat, it signifies a bubbly and energetic nature, often confronted with a lot of bustling, positive energy. Regardless of what you saw here, it’s clear that this optical illusion is one of a kind.

Double Thumbs Or Explosive Energy

Double Thumbs Or Explosive Energy