Mysterious Cave Discoveries That Will Leave You Fascinated

Published on 07/16/2021

Homo Naledi

It shouldn’t be any surprise how scientists discover several caves that leave them confused and wondering. In a South African cave, evidence led to the belief in the existence of pre-human species, which were recently unknown until this discovery. Due to this new discovery, it led to multiple questions without many concrete answers. Although the newfound species have been called Homo Naledi, the knowledge on them remains limited to walking Earth approximately 3 million years ago.

Homo Naledi

Homo Naledi


A Cave For Refuge

While most ancient caves are left alone before being excavated by science, this doesn’t go for The Reed Flute Cave or Karst Cave. This cave is particularly gorgeous with a modern story within its walls that you’ll find fascinating. It existed for millions of years and during those years, it was also used for shelter during World War II. This cave was a source of safety for the Chinese soldiers back in the day and it’s one of the many reasons why people continue to pay this gorgeous cave a visit – whether it’s to admire the cave’s beauty or to pay homage to the soldiers.

A Cave For Refuge

A Cave For Refuge