Muscle Cars Can Sometimes Be A Major Flop And These Are Several Proofs OF That

Published on 05/24/2022

The Late 1990s Ford Thunderbird Model LX

In the late 1990s, Ford Thunderbird was among the most unusual-looking muscle cars to come out of production. However, it was merely an unorthodox-looking car. But the flaws of the car went beyond the things that you can actually see and maybe just one listen to its sound could give you an idea of what it was.

The Late 1990s Ford Thunderbird Model LX

The Late 1990s Ford Thunderbird Model LX

“In 1996-97, the company Ford canceled production on their Super Coupe for some reason. That vehicle though had something that could have been used for their Thunderbird but the manufacturing company decided not to do it which obviously was a pretty big missed opportunity, as was mentioned by Motor 1.


Four Long Years With Chevy El Camino SS 454

When car enthusiasts see a Chevrolet with the letters SS or the number 454 placed somewhere in the vehicle, they get ecstatic. Those insignia on the infamous El Camino during this four-year run were just something to be stared at.

Four Long Years With Chevy El Camino SS 454

Four Long Years With Chevy El Camino SS 454

The infamous El Camino proved and certainly was powerful, with an LS6 V8 motor producing 365 horsepower. What most people complain about it thou is the obvious awkwardness of the design which would give some people confusion as to what it really is. Many people though, seem to adore this awkwardness which in some way, added to the appeal of the vehicle.