Gail’s Growing Suspicions
Gail is growing up in a happy and peaceful environment. Enjoying her school life with no troubles and complaints, she too was not giving any hassles. The family is small and intimate, each of them caring and loving with no ulterior motives. Years have gone, and with no guilt, Alvera has never shared the slightest of her secret, only a growing suspicion in Gail as she keeps noticing weird habits of her mother.

Gails Growing Suspicions
Confused As She Goes Deeper
Gail, as young as she is, continues to notice her mother’s abnormal behavior. As she goes deeper into analyzing her mother, she realizes that this is not a new habit, but one of her mothers’s been cloaking for years. At this point, she has so many questions for Alvera but lacks the courage to ask her. Gail has never imagined her mother is capable of something like this.

Confused As She Goes Deeper