After Catching a Leather Purse on a Fishing Outing, The Search For Its Owner Takes a Fateful Turn

Published on 07/28/2020

The Woman Looks Familiar

As fate would have it, Ben realized that he recognized the woman from his childhood, although he couldn’t quite place her 100%. Thinking about it for some minutes, he came to the conclusion that she was likely someone he had gone to school within his youth. He hadn’t seen that face in more than a decade.

The Woman Looks Familiar

The Woman Looks Familiar


Coincidence or Fate?

Realizing who the woman was, Ben could hardly believe what he was looking at. It was astounding that his nephew had caught a purse of all things to begin with, but what was even more mind amazed was that he possibly knew the person who owned it. Joking about it later, he said it was like finding something from a long lost friend.

Coincidence Or Fate

Coincidence Or Fate