After Catching a Leather Purse on a Fishing Outing, The Search For Its Owner Takes a Fateful Turn

Published on 07/28/2020

Surprisingly Well Preserved

While covered in mud and with some noticeable fading, the purse was strangely in really good condition. As they opened it up, there was a flurry of items that gave some clues as to who the owner might have been. A couple of them were hard to make out, but one, in particular, caught Ben’s eye immediately.

Surprisingly Well Preserved

Surprisingly Well Preserved


Catching Something Special

While it’s easy to imagine Brodie’s disappointment when he realized that he hadn’t caught the gigantic fish he had been hoping for, there can be no doubt about the fact that catching something as unique as an old leather bag would be a memory that would last him his entire lifetime. He was also focused on being thankful that his new rod didn’t end up snapping as he tugged on the bag to try and get it out of the water.

Catching Something Special

Catching Something Special