After Catching a Leather Purse on a Fishing Outing, The Search For Its Owner Takes a Fateful Turn

Published on 07/28/2020

The Lasting Effect of Losing The Items

Thinking back to that day, April recalls feeling overwhelmed and devastated after losing her bag. She certainly wasn’t crying about losing cash (around $60). It was the sentimental items inside she was mourning, conceding that she may never see some of the photographs and other important items she carried with her every day ever again.

The Lasting Effect Of Losing The Items

The Lasting Effect Of Losing The Items


Focusing on the Little Things

Some items were irreplaceable. From a lipstick that was later discontinued, to the additional sentimental items she had kept with her for good luck, April was highly upset at what had happened. She joked that this “wonder lipstick” she had lost was still intact after 27 years, even remarking that it looked just as good now as it did 27 years ago when she lost it!

Focusing On The Little Things

Focusing On The Little Things