An Astonishing Find: Man Develops Antique Camera Film Nearly a Decade Old

Published on 07/15/2020

An Extremely Difficult Challenge

As Johan put it, it seemed that the chances were slim to none that they would be able to recover anything from the old film. It may have taken some persuasion, but Martijn eventually got him to agree to help with the project. As it turned out, Johan was just as curious about what may have been on the film as his friend Martijn was. Was it possible that by some miracle the photographs may have survived all this time?

An Extremely Difficult Challenge

An Extremely Difficult Challenge


A Plan To Expose The Images

As any photographer will tell you, exposing a roll of film to sunlight is the easiest way to damage the film and to render the roll void of all images. Martijn Images were going to need to be exposed in a dark room. The following Tuesday, he found himself at Johan’s house in a makeshift darkroom in the kitchen. As the process unfolded, both men were astounded to note some faint outlines on the negatives. Was it possible that these images were still on the film after all this time?

A Plan To Expose The Images

A Plan To Expose The Images