An Astonishing Find: Man Develops Antique Camera Film Nearly a Decade Old

Published on 07/15/2020

Turning To Social Media

The photographs may have been taken in a time of little to no technology, but these days social media was a powerful tool to help unravel mysteries like this. Martijn was first with the idea, deciding that it was a good idea to share the pictures on Facebook, with hopes that they would be shared and new clues would emerge. What if the pair in the photographs met an untimely demise? He pondered whether the mystery might not be best left unspoken instead.

Turning To Social Media

Turning To Social Media


Isolating The Location

After the post had been shared among his circle of friends and their friends, someone commented that they were sure that the pictures were taken in Biarritz in France. Google Street View allowed Martijn to verify this and subsequently more people became convinced of this. It wouldn’t just be this comment that would change the course of the mystery, however. Another commenter would share insights that would change the nature of the discovery altogether.

Isolating The Location

Isolating The Location