Money Matters
Plenty of the attendees were completely devoted to exhilaration and recreation, oblivious to the fact that the event runners had struggled to convince musicians to attend Woodstock to begin with. As revealed later, plenty of bands requested immediate payments before getting up on stage, doubtful that they would see a penny otherwise. Some artists saw Woodstock as a large risk, doubtful that it would be successful, requesting a “double bubble” for their commitments. A particularly committed organizer splurged the entirety of his trust fund trying to back the event. Such poorly handled financing resulted in the organizers facing a debt of millions of dollars.

Money Matters
Please Don’t Stop The Music
Woodstock was the type of experience that was all gas and no brakes. Although many of the attendees were barred from enjoying the music of Woodstock, there were plenty who are treated to some of the most inspiring auditory experiences of modern times. The bands would continue thriving on stage long beyond their official playtimes, many gigs lasting well into the morning. Despite Woodstock not having been planned reasonably, this was one unforgettable experience.

Please Dont Stop The Music