Wyatt Earp (c. 1868)
Here we have another legendary lawman from the Wild West, Wyatt Earp (1848 – 1929), who was caught up in the O.K. Corral skirmish. This picture was supposedly snapped during 1868 while Earp was in his early twenties and living in Lamar, MO. Earp, like plenty of those who rose to fame during this time and place, loved to exaggerate his own life experiences and would go on to Hollywood fame. According to History, his later life stages involved Hollywood Westerns as he brought famous directors and actors together. He war mourned by plenty of Western fim celebrities.

Wyatt Earp
Conrad Heyer, Earliest American To Be Photographed (1852)
George Washington had the honor of being served by Conrad Heyer (1749) throughout the American Revolutionary War. Apparently, Heyer joined the Founding Father at the Delaware crossing, with plenty of critics disclaiming such ideas. Heyer stood as what could very well be the first person to stand before a lens, and certainly the first American. He was 103 years old when this picture was taken with this ancient 1851 daguerreotype.

Conrad Heyer Earliest American To Be Photographed