President John Quincy Adams (1843)
Regarded by History as being a visionary but unappreciated, President John Quincy Adams (1767 – 1848) became the initial non-founding father president. He was even “the first president not to have been a founding father,” as well as “the son of a president to be elected,” and “the first to marry a woman born outside the United States.” Despite not being the initial active president to be snapped, he was the first to have his photograph taken. Philip Haas visited Adams at his Massachusetts property to take this photograph in 1843. Sadly, we know little about this photo’s creation, with the subject being hesitant to speak on it.

President John Quincy Adams
President John Tyler (c. 1845)
John Tyler (1790 – 1862) was the Vice President to William Henry Harrison and would go on to be elected as America’s tenth president when his senior suddenly passed only days into his election. Known as “His Accidency” by rivals, Tyler was the initial president to ascend due to his leader’s death. Despite his term being regarded as relatively average by historians, you will love this little factoid. Harrison Ruffin Tyler is currently the sole descendant of John Tyler.

President John Tyler