President James K. Polk (1849)
Despite being largely unknown in our current times, James K. Polk (1795 – 1849) is known by modern historians as having carried out more promises than most American presidents, being likened to George Washington in his triumphs.As mentioned by the Miller Center, the president fulfilled almost all the ambitions which he outlined during his presidency, adhering to all the needs of his party. Among his accomplishments was the conquering of New Mexico, Oregon, and California territories, the resolution of a Texan border clash, and the minimization of tariffs. He also instated a novel federal depository and strengthened the executive branch.

President James K Polk
Confederate President Jefferson Davis (c. 1861)
Having fought in the Mexican War, and a senator within Mississippi, as well as President Franklin Pierce’s Secretary of War, Jefferson Davis (1808 – 1889) would become Lincoln’s main opposer during the US Civil War as the Confederacy president. Following the other side’s defeat in 1865, Davis was put behind bars for treason charges, however, he would soon be let out. Having avoided his day in court, Davis was spared having to justify his decision to pull his states from the Union, something he would have gladly done. As written by the Smithsonian, instead of providing Davis with the opportunity to justify secession, President Andrew Johnson provided all Confederates with a pardon on December 25, 1868.

Confederate President Jefferson Davis