Hybrid Creations You May Never Have Seen Before

Published on 06/09/2021

Khepri – Mythical Hybrid

Khepri is an Egyptian take on the Chimera. It is most commonly depicted as a human with the head of a scarab in Egyptian artworks. In rare cases, it is depicted as sporting the legs of a goat. Egyptian mythology is well-known for pairing humans with a variety of creatures and objects as most gods and goddesses are depicted as hybrid creatures with the body of a human and the head of an animal. In some cases, the animals are not from reality. There is no real knowing where the hybrid humans come from.




Monocerus – Mythical Hybrid

This European Chimera is depicted as a unicorn-like beast in Greek mythology. In medieval lore, the animal takes on a more bizarre visage. Said to have the head of a stag, the body of a horse, and legs of an elephant, and a tail of a boar, it’s an oddly striking mythological creature. There is reason to believe that this mythical creature is similar to that of a unicorn, even though some believe the unicorn could really be out there somewhere, or extinct at this time.

