There are urban legends about experiments that take place in labs around the world, and whether most of them are true or not, we will probably never know for sure. The curious and bizarre results form the basis for urban legends and creepy conspiracies that circulate on the internet on a daily basis. These hybrids, whether real or just legend, spark the imagination. Those that are real can teach us a lot about the genetics of their parent breeds. Of the hybrids that feature on our list, most are not found in nature, of course. Are you ready to go through our list? Prepare yourself to be amazed at the variety of genetic oddities we’ve found online! These crossbreeds will surely intrigue you, while others will have you giggling.

Hybrid Creations You May Never Have Seen Before
Liger – Female Tiger/Male Lion
The Liger is the result of a female tiger mating with a male lion. The genetic information that controls the animals’ growth rate is mutated. Therefore, the Liger can continue growing throughout its lifetime. That makes for one big kitty. The downside is that as they continue to grow later in life they suffer health problems that usually lead to death. Their internal organs can’t keep up with their freakishly large size. The liger is a real-life crossbred.
