Hybrid Creations You May Never Have Seen Before

Published on 06/09/2021

Coydog – Dog/Coyote

The Coydog is a pairing between a dog and a coyote, and it’s definitely not to be kept in your house as a pet. They were bred for generations in pre-Columbian Mexico. They are mischievous, a nuisance even. Their deliberate breeding may have something to do with the Aztec deification of the coyote. In modern times they are exclusively bred in captivity, and would likely wreak havoc on local wildlife should they escape from breeding programs.




Dzo – Yak/Farm Cattle

The Dzo has a unique name. This speaks to the unique location from which the hybrid originates. The earliest known Dzo were bred in Tibet. Mongolia also bred the pairing. The Dzo is a crossing between a Yak and farm cattle. English speakers usually refer to the Dzo as cattle. This hybrid is well suited to the high altitude and climate of Tibet and makes for a more productive working animal. Males are sterile, therefore each generation must be bred by cross-breeding. This makes developing an actual breed impossible.

