Hybrid Creations You May Never Have Seen Before

Published on 06/09/2021

Narluga – Narwhale/Beluga Whale

Nargulas are found in real-life nature, although their name makes them sound as though they were bred in a science lab. They are not the result of human interference. Rather, they are the result of two closely related species sharing the same habitat. Another result of climate change, the shared territory of Narwhale and Beluga whales, is in increasing overlap. The species seem to interbreed naturally. They share physical characteristics from both parent breeds.




The Mule Bird

There is a near-endless variety of bird species out there, and unless you’re a bird lover, you probably don’t know even half of them. With that said, some bird pairings are exceptionally unique, even to expert bird watchers, and the mule bird is just one of them. The Mule bird is a common hybrid bird. They were, and still are, popular house pets in the UK. They are also called British Finches. Once hunted in droves, the UK put a ban on hunting them in 1981.

The Mule Bird

The Mule Bird