Hybrid Creations You May Never Have Seen Before

Published on 06/09/2021

Beefalo – Buffalo/Bison

The Beefalo is as the name suggests. A hybrid between your run-of-the-mill American cattle and the American Bison. This hybridization is the result of a union between two closely related members of the same genetic family. Therefore, the pairing is seen in nature more frequently than most. Wild herds of Buffaloes live in and around the Grand Canyon. They are a nuisance and wreak ecological havoc on an environment that is not ready to deal with them. There are discussions on whether or not their numbers should be culled for this very reason.




Tigon – Male Tiger/Female Lion

We’ve seen the Liger, and this unique crossbreed is just as admirable, now it’s time for the same mix but with a parent swap. The Tigon is the result of a male tiger and female lion pairing, the Tigon has a functioning set of genes that regulate its growth. This means that it is less likely to grow to unmanageable sizes or suffer from dwarfism. The mix not only looks different from the reversed pairing but is also generally healthier.

