Hybrid Creations You May Never Have Seen Before

Published on 06/09/2021

Buraq – Mythical Hybrid

Another mythological creature, the Buraq is an Islamic take on the same Chimera archetype that we see above. The head of a human, body of a horse and wings of a bird, and other plumage results in an imaginative and thought-provoking creature of myth. The creature is credited with transporting prophets to heaven in Islamic tradition. There’s no real knowing how this mystical creature came about in Islam culture, although most religions have a number of unanswered questions.




Hippalectryon – Mythical Hybrid

Our third Chimera, the Hippalectryon is a Greek three-part merger of different animal bodies. The primary beast form is that of a horse. The additions are certainly more comical than the more spiritually revered Chimera on our list. It isn’t a serious or even certain past of Greek mythology, but it does garner a laugh with its hilarious combination of the Equine with the modest Poultry. This mythical hybrid is far less intimidating than previous, and much more curious to say the least.

