A Simple Home Renovation Had The FBI Swooping In To Investigate

Published on 05/25/2020

Pricey Picture

Pricey Picture

Pricey Picture

A short while after a man died, his children decided to go through his house and do a little change-up and renovations. As they went around, they discovered a picture that was done by Norman Rockwell. It was an ancient picture, of course, that their father or no one else never mentioned to them even when he was sick and dying. Based on research, they found out their father hid the painting after he got a divorce from his wife. He had put a copy on display that his wife got. When the picture was brought to an auction, the children amassed a total of $15.4 million.
There was also a similar painting story of a man from New York who somehow forgot he owned a $300 million Michaelangelo painting in his home. Well, that sure is a long term memory loss!


Countless Love Letters

Countless Love Letters

Countless Love Letters

People often find all kinds of treasures when doing renovations like jewelry, money, and other antique elements. But, for one sibling pair who were working on a house in Nova Scotia. As they pulled the walls apart, they found some amazing love letters that were written by a soldier to the love of his life. The 31 letters were from World War I, and the renovators did their research to find the family the letters belonged to.