The Most Costly Box Office Disasters Which Ruined Careers and Cost Hollywood Multiple Fortunes

Published on 09/15/2020

Death Wish (2018)

You may remember a particularly grizzly 70s thriller called Death Wish. Well, Hollywood decided that it (of all classic movies) needed a reboot. With a rather low budget, to begin with, the revenge flick’s new form only made a profit of $4 million off a budget of $30 million. The film tanked due to its unfortunate release just days following the Las Vegas mass shooting tragedy.

Death Wish

Death Wish


Ben-Hur (2016)

You might have realized by now that reboots of old films often turn out cataclysmically. The reboot of Ben-Hur resulted in somewhere between $75 and $121.7 million in losses. The Ben Hur movie is regarded as one of the most abysmal reboots ever made. Some epics should be left in the 20th century!

Ben Hur

Ben Hur