The Most Costly Box Office Disasters Which Ruined Careers and Cost Hollywood Multiple Fortunes

Published on 09/15/2020

Mars Needs Moms (2011)

Mars Needs Moms reinvented the meaning of “catastrophe” by being one of Hollywood’s most disastrous money wasting projects ever. Berkeley Breathed must have been shocked to see how terribly his children’s story had been tarnished. A figure between $100 and $114 million went down the drain with Mars Needs Moms.

Mars Needs Moms

Mars Needs Moms


John Carter (2012)

Whoever was banking on John Carter to earn them a profit should have pulled out when its budget reached that of a small country’s GDP. This movie was not only free of any kind of star power, it also used a little known sci-fi story written by Edgar Rice Burroughs named A Princess of Mars as a source.

John Carter

John Carter