The Most Costly Box Office Disasters Which Ruined Careers and Cost Hollywood Multiple Fortunes

Published on 09/15/2020

Town & Country (2001)

Some of the greatest shames in Hollywood involves a spectacular cast of comedic geniuses being wasted on a terrible script. Town & Country must be one of the worst examples of this trashing. Its producers could not understand why it took a dozen delays to finally push this film out, which is probably why it ended up canning around $85 million.

Town And Country

Town And Country


Treasure Planet (2002)

This sci-fi spin on the Robert Louis Stevenson classic by the same name brought Disney to a new low. With a feeble performance in its opening weekend which barely scraped together $13 million, the spacey swashbuckling animation would loot Disney of around $82 million.

Treasure Planet

Treasure Planet