The Most Costly Box Office Disasters Which Ruined Careers and Cost Hollywood Multiple Fortunes

Published on 09/15/2020

There are few things more upsetting than that new box office blockbuster turning out to be epic failures. Sadly, Hollywood is no stranger to churning out disastrous films. As one can imagine, this kind of letdown results in the loss of many millions of dollars. Even worse, plenty of people waste their hearts and souls (and sometimes even their physical health) on fruitless efforts.

Zoolander 2 (2016)

Most Ben Stiller fans will fondly recall the first Zoolander as some of his finest comedic actings. The quirky supermodel comedy’s sequel, however, was something of a massive disappointment. Scoring an abysmal 4.7/10 on IMDb, the cult following of the first fashion industry parody called the Fashion Police on this one.

Zoolander 2

Zoolander 2


Alexander (2004)

The Ancient Greeks have provided plenty of material and epic stories for Hollywood. If you thought that the tale of Alexander the Great could easily be turned into a super successful masterpiece, you might be wrong. Alexander was something of a laughable and overlong waste of time and money, what with humorously poor casting and performances. $71 million were sacrificed to the gods thanks to this film.

