Eating Dead as a Medical Cure
We are not sure how medical methods were invented in the early days, and even those we hear of, we are not sure how true they are. We all know painkillers and antibiotics are a thing of the long history and were also needed in the early times to rid the body of pain and agony. However, some people believed that eating corpses would give them the results they are looking for.

Eating Dead As A Medical Cure
Records have it that in the 17th century, there was a practice known as medicinal cannibalism, a very disturbing thought. Doctors would source pieces of body parts from corpses, ground them, and people would consume it to stop bleeding, headaches, and other pains they experienced. There is also a notion that King Charles II consumed a concoction they called “King’s Drop,” a mixture made of alcohol and dried human skulls.
Shoe Polish was Potentially Fatal
At least most of us have heard the saying “if you give a girl the right shoes, she can conquer the world” It was a trend in early times and is now for people to take pride in cleaning their shoes. History has it that people were keen on ensuring their shoes were of the best standard and would go to any measure to ensure they got it right. They used so many substances from weird to risky, including nitrobenzene, a chemical that would get the job done right and quickly.

Shoe Polish Was Potentially Fatal
However, what many people were not aware of was the high risk associated with using this chemical. If one decides to wear their shoes right after cleaning, they risk inhaling a chemical that could cause a fainting sensation. On the other hand, if you should drink any form of alcohol and then inhale the chemical, you stood the chance of losing your life. So, polishing for a party could be deadly!