Why The Deepest Human Made Hole In History Was Totally Abandoned

Published on 12/07/2020

Under Earth River?

In this particular borehole, scientists only found granite, and no basalt, even as far down as the base of the hole. Researchers deduced that the change in seismic waves might suggest different entirely than the move from granite to basalt, and in fact found that it was the result of metamorphic differences in the rock. In doing more tests, they soon found something even more astounding. Where no one had previously thought possible, so far beneath the depths of the Earth, they found flowing water.

No Basalt To Be Seen

Under Earth River


A Biblical Explanation

Many enthusiastic believers immediately argued that the discovery of subterranean water was evidence of biblical floods. Scientists had a more pragmatic theory. It was suggested that the intense pressure that forces hydrogen and oxygen atoms out of the rock itself is what creates the phenomenon of the water coming from the rock. Then, impermeable rocks block the newly formed water, keeping it trapped beneath the surface. Needless to say, everyone was in awe when this was discovered.

A Biblical Explanation

A Biblical Explanation