Why The Deepest Human Made Hole In History Was Totally Abandoned

Published on 12/07/2020

The Temperature Discrepancy

Temperatures had been roughly what the scientists had expected and had been stable inside the borehole for the first 10,000 or so feet. Surprisingly, however, past that depth, the temperature shot up to unexpected levels at a very quick rate. Inching closer to their target, the hole was suddenly a full 176 °F (80 °C) hotter than anticipated, meaning it had shot up to 356 °F (180°C) in no time at all. And there was more to it too…

The Temperature Discrepancy

The Temperature Discrepancy


Throwing in the Towel

The project was also hindered by the discovery that the rock foundations were far less dense than had been anticipated at these depths. The two newly discovered factors combined – of the density of the rock and the soaring temperatures – meant that the researchers knew that their equipment would have no chance surviving such conditions. It was 1992, 22 whole years since the drilling had begun at Kola, but the team had no choice but to abandon the project.

Total Rock Density

Throwing in the Towel