Why The Deepest Human Made Hole In History Was Totally Abandoned

Published on 12/07/2020

A Different Kind Of Mission

If only all missions below water were to get closer to finding out more of the secrets of the earth. Some researchers are merely interested in venturing to an area where nobody else has gone before. Take the instance of a two-man submersible dropped into Antarctic waters, for example. With this mission, the goal was to venture into an area of the South Pole that had never been seen previously. They ended up discovering far more than they initially bargained for.

A Different Kind Of Mission

A Different Kind Of Mission


A Long Time In The Making

While it might seem like this would be relatively simple to execute, the idea didn’t come together overnight. Twenty four months of research and planning was involved in what became known as a gargantuan team effort. They wanted to venture into new waters, but also find out as much as possible about the things that can be found on the ocean floor. Some experts suggest that we know more about the other planets in our solar system than about what goes down below in our oceans.

A Long Time In The Making

A Long Time In The Making