The Actual Look Of These Historical Figures Might Shock You

Published on 01/20/2020

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar is known to many for his prominence in early Rome. He was known for his successful wars mainly in the European region, and in 60 B.C., Caesar joined forces with two other famous Roman figures, Crassus and Pompey the Great. Pompey was a member of the senate while Caesar worked his way to becoming the sole controller of the empire. The three formed the First Triumvirate, but as time went by, their ulterior motives changed, and everyone was for themselves.

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar

In 50 B.C., Crassus was killed, and the other two started a deadly battle for control over Rome. Fast forward to 2018; anthropologist Maja d’Hollosy started a mission to uncover the true physical features and looks of Julius Caesar.


The True Caesar

The busts that were scanned to make the current version showed some amazing features of the early ruler. During his rule, Caesar had an affair with Cleopatra, waged more war for control of the Mediterranean, and is also known for his shocking murder that took place on the Senate floor in March of 44 B.C.

The True Caesar

The True Caesar

One of the busts scanned to create the new design is still on display at the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities. It portrays Caesar with a prominent head and forehead and somewhat dwarfed facial features.