The Actual Look Of These Historical Figures Might Shock You

Published on 01/20/2020

Lady of Cao

Lady of Cao lived during the year 400, and since 1990, researchers and archaeologists have been trying to unearth this figure’s remains for a 3-D reconstruction project. However, they never succeeded until about 2005 when they manage to retrieve her remains, which were buried in a bundle of cloth.

Lady Of Cao

Lady Of Cao

Based on examinations and tests done on the remains, scientists and researchers concluded she lived through the Moche culture, which had success in Peru. In addition to the many findings they had, the team also believed she was an aristocrat, as women of those ages were never usually embalmed in such a manner. The wrapping and surroundings of her remains told a powerful story of who she was.


Connecting with the Lady of Cao

The home of the Lady of Cao is housed at the El Brujo museum and is not so easy to identify unless you have the aid of a strategically-placed mirror. The area in which she is placed has to be climate-controlled to ensure her remains are well-preserved.

Coa Life

Connecting with the Lady of Cao

Researchers managed to use the best practices of forensic investigators to create the full-body representation we see here. The Lady of Cao’s 3-D imagery is a beautifully-designed figure of a woman in her late 20s, though no one knows what her role in society was. But, it is known that she probably had proportional affluence based on how she was buried.